Collecting, Documenting and Presenting Architecture
Summer Semester 2018
[Modul AR20083] Collecting, Documenting and Presenting Architecture:
The Architect Hans Schwippert in the Archive of the Architekturmuseum
with: Anja Schmidt
The Architekturmuseum of the Technical University of Munich houses a rich collection of plans and sketches by architect Hans Schwippert (1899-1973). As the long-term chairman of the Deutsche Werkbund and director of the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, he was one of the most important proponents of post-war architecture. His design for the Deutsche Bundeshaus in Bonn (1948/49), the high-rise at Interbau 1957 in Berlin and the exhibition concept for the German pavilion at the World Fair 1958 in Brussels are examples of his work that were especially relevant for the history of architecture. What remained largely unknown is that Schwippert also designed makeshift dwellings and emergency shelters for refugees – a subject, that is becoming increasingly relevant today. The seminar focused on the designs and built projects of this architect.
The following seminar papers have been developed:
Buitendag, Jonathan: Haus Knapp in Brione
Heinzerling, Moritz: Weltausstellung Brüssel / Weltausstellung Montreal
Herberger, Jasmin: Hamac Hansella Areal in Viersen
Hyza, Georg: Haus der Wissenschaften in Düsseldorf
Laschet, Cécilie: Kraftwerk Anna in Alsdorf
Mättig, Sara: Möbel und Einbauten - Tische
Oldershausen, Lippold v.: Bundeshaus in Bonn
Rucker, Martin: Haus der Studenten in Aachen
Ulrich, Daniela: Wohnhochhaus im Hansaviertel in Berlin
Valente, Philipp: Georg Büchner Gymnasium in Darmstadt