Positions & PerspectivesDecember 2, 2020, 6 p.m.

How do social, societal and climatic changes affect architecture? Is there an architecture of tomorrow? What are the resources we can count on? How must education change so that students of architecture are prepared for their future? And what kind of perspectives are there for the profession?In the winter semester 2020/21, the Faculty of Architecture at Darmstadt University of Technology will dedicate part of its traditional Wednesday evening lecture series specifically to the future of architecture in teaching, research and practice in order to initiate a comprehensive discussion on a contemporary and forward-looking orientation of the faculty. With the support of the Jakob Wilhelm Mengler Foundation, outstanding representatives from planning offices, foundations, museums, science and journalism will be invited to give lectures with a thematic focus on their personal views on the complex relationship between architectural practice, teaching and research (and its future). By means of these external and partly also non-specialist perspectives on architecture in the broadest sense, established positions will be questioned and new perspectives will be presented. University education in architecture in particular has the responsibility and potential to constantly question and rethink architectural practice and to put its methods, tools and results to the test. Instead of focusing on the present, it offers the chance to shape the future.

December 2, "Architecture will change"

  • Teresa Fankhänel, Technische Universität München: „Überlegungen zur Architekturmaschine“
  • Daniel Fuhrhop, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg: „Architektur ohne Bauen“
  • Inga Glander, Bundesstiftung Baukultur: „Architektur allein reicht nicht“
  • Anh-Linh Ngo, Mitherausgeber Arch+: „Architecting – mehr als Bauen“
  • Verena Schmidt, Teleinternetcafe Architektur und Urbanismus: „Kooperative Stadt“
  • Fabian Thiel, Frankfurt UAS: „Bodenpolitik – Perspektiven für die Architektur“

Find further information here.

Location | Online Event at Zoom