Freundeskreis Architekturmuseum TUM
Support the Architekturmuseum through your membership in the Freundeskreis!
As a member, you enjoy certain benefits:
Free admission to all exhibitions at the Architekturmuseum, and timely notification concerning current events and exhibitions. You will receive personal invitations to all openings and previews. In addition, we also offer special guided tours through our exhibitions, exclusive viewings, and special trips organized in coordination with individual exhibitions. And you can acquire publications of the Architekturmuseum for a reduced price.
We would be delighted to welcome you to the Freundeskreis Architekturmuseum TUM !
Annual contribution:
Individual membership 150 euros
Family membership 250 euros
Firm/institution/patron: minimum 500 euros
Student/trainee 25 euros
For donations:
Kontoverbindung: HypoVereinsbank München
IBAN DE44 7002 0270 0659 2024 25 | BIC HYVEDEMMXXX
Registration for new members of the Freundeskreis Architekturmuseum TUM
About the Freundeskreis Architekturmuseum TUM
The Freundeskreis (Association of Friends) Architekturmuseum TUM has offered support to the museum ever since it moved into the Pinakothek der Moderne in 2002. The Freundeskreis Architekturmuseum TUM provides assistance with individual exhibitions as well as publications. It also contributes conceptually through its active circle of friends, contributing to ongoing discussions about architecture.
Administrative office:
Dietlind Bachmeier | | Tel: 089 23805-379
(Tuesday and Thursday mornings)
Executive Board:
Alexander Fthenakis (Chairperson)
Andres Lepik (Director A.M.)
Andrea Benze (Vice Chair)
John Höpfner (Treasurer)
Christian Eichinger (Secretary)
Thomas Jocher
Viktoria Reiter
Dietlind Bachmeier (Office)
Advisory Board:
Speakers: Melanie Hammer, Julia Hinderink
Other board members: Kathrin Fändrich, Victoria von Gaudecker, Norbert Gebbeken, Andrea Gebhard, Lydia Haack, Thomas F. Hofmann, Sandra Hofmeister, Maximilian von der Leyen, Elisabeth Merk, Karin Sandeck, Martin Schnitzer, Cristina Steingräber, Sophie Stigliano
Statutes and simplified notice concerning contributions: