weiße Flecken auf schwarzem Grund mit verschlungenen Linien
Graphik: strobo B M

Foreign language toursAll dates from March on

We offer several guided tours in foreign languages.

Participation tokens from 15 minutes before the start at the information desk, as long as there are free places

Entrance fee: Participation is free of charge, admission ticket to the exhibition is required.

Other dates
SUNDAY| 30.05.2025| 12 am-1 pm| Zeynep Sahin Korkan| English
SUNDAY| 11.05.2025| 12 am-1 pm| Alexandr Kulikov| Russian
SUNDAY| 18.05.2025| 12 am-1 pm| Qendresa Ajeti| Albanian
FRIDAY| 04.07.2025| 4-5 pm| Bahar Gökçen, Kumsar Özdemir| Turkish
SUNDAY| 06.07.2025| 12 am-1 pm| Pauline Wessel| French
SUNDAY| 20.07.2025| 12 am-1 pm | Marziyeh Bazyar| Iranisch
FRIDAY| 25.07.2025| 4-5 pm| Andjelka Badnjar Gojnic| Serbo-Croatian