Entrance area outside of Pinakothek der Moderne
Photo: Jakob Bahret
illuminated windows of A.M. at night from outside
Photo: Myrzik & Jarisch

ICAM21 in Munich

International Confederation of Architectural Museums

The Architekturmuseum der TUM is extremely pleased to be the host of the 21st ICAM Conference, which will take place from September 6 - 11, 2022. ICAM is the International Confederation of Architectural Museums, an association of architectural museums, centers of architecture, exhibition spaces, collections and archives.

The conference was originally scheduled to take place in 2020 and was postponed to 2022 due to the Corona pandemic. Its guiding theme is "Challenging Histories." The six-day conference will include numerous lecture and discussion formats, two one-day excursions, exhibition visits, and tours within Munich.

Register here!


If you need accommodation, we were able to negotiate a discount with the following hotels:

- das HOTEL
- Hotel Marienbad

Early bird: 570 €
Normal price: 590 €

Hybrid price (online): 120 €

2 excursions (Augsburg + Ulm/Stuttgart): 120 €
1 excursion (Augsburg): 60 €
1 excursion (Ulm/Stuttgart): 70 €

excerpt from the program
ICAM21 programme

ICAM21 Pecha Kucha

Saturday, Sept. 10
3 pm - 4 pm
Moderated by Triin Ojari (Estonian Museum of Architecture)


Architecture Beyond Architecture: The Charm of a Popular Discipline
Andre Tavares (Garagem Sul / Centro Cultural de Belém)

Invented from Copies
Ellen Smit (Het Nieuwe Instituut)

Why Critical Cataloguing and Reparative Description matter
Martien de Vletter (Canadian Centre for Architecture)

Ungers and Dots – Minecraft and Architectural Visions
Rebekka Kremershof (Deutsches Architekturmuseum)

Introduction to the gta archives
Irina Davidovici (gta archives, ETH Zurich)

Building arsitekturindonesia.org: Towards a Digital Repository for Indonesian Architecture
Robin Hartanto (arsitekturindonesia.org, Indonesia)

Mokchon Architecture Archive
Kim Tae-hyung (Mokchon Architecture Archive)

More information can be found on the ICAM website.