Trees Time Architecture!

Design in Constant Transformation

Trees, Time, Architecture! Design in Constant Transformation explores the many possibilities offered by the interplay between architecture and trees in an ever changing world and marks an evolutionary step from shaping objects towards designing processes. In the form of a magazine, the volume brings together a variety of views on the relationship between trees and architecture, urban spaces, modernism, politics, feminism, and cultural values. This collage of historical, research-based, and discourse-related perspectives looks at how trees can be preserved, used, and appreciated in the Anthropocene. It highlights historic examples of growing architecture, such as the living root bridges of the Khasi people in India, the accommodation of trees within civic spaces of streets and housing in cities, novel approaches to design and build with living trees as well as the tree as resource for building materials.

The essays, photographs, memoirs, film reviews, and conversations in this publication are supplemented with exemplary architectures, new research perspectives, and current design approaches. They illustrate dynamic processes in which trees play a key role as constantly changing organisms. They invite a transdisciplinary examination of relationships between people, trees, and architecture, as well as their rethinking and further development in our time of constant change and limited resources.

Edited by Andjelka Badnjar, Kristina Pujkilovic, Ferdinand Ludwig, Andres Lepik

With contributions by Sonja Dümpelmann, Noël van Dooren, Jana VanderGoot, Kelly Church, Samantha Jamero, Shelbi Nahwilet Meissner, Rico Newman, Laura Leonelli, Wilfrid Middleton, Morningstar Khongthaw, Mark Primack, Édouard François, Roberta Martufi, Salomé Jashi, Caimi Piccinni, Michael Vollmer, Hannes Harter, Office for Living Architecture, and White Arkitekter.

Format 23 x 32 cm, 128 pages, softcover // Park Books, 2025
Graphic design: strobo B M Visual Communication (22 EUR)
ISBN 9783038604310